
I am trying to break your heart

I feel like that's been what the guy with Humans of New York has been doing lately -- trying to break our hearts. And I'm so glad. Slowly I've been becoming more and more aware of what's going on with Syrian refugees, starting when my brother-in-law posted last year about Syrian churches being destroyed and now of course a refugee situation of the like that hasn't been seen in Europe for seventy years. 

Anyway, HONY's last post I saw today looked mild enough, just a dad playing with his daughter. Kaylen saw it and immediately asked who it was, so I told her it was a girl who had to leave her home and try to find a new one. And we looked at Syria and Greece on the globe. And at dinner we prayed for people in Syria who, in my very G-rated version, had lost their homes. But the caption on that photo said she saw her mother being taken and screamed "Don't kill her! Kill me instead!" I think the little girl was four or five. Anyway, after I talked to Kaylen about it, I went in the kitchen to make dinner and cry. I still feel like retching from at the thought of that little girl's pain. 

Lord Jesus, come QUICKLY. 

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