

I think the impulse to link to articles on facebook is a good one; especially with the Planned Parenthood atrocities that are coming to light, it's helpful to share info. And just plain *right* to want to expose evil. So i'm not talking about that. It seems like up till this point, though, there have been a whole lot of tragedies occuring and everyone hastens to add a "But..." to the story. "Black lives matter" -- but look at this African-American doing something I don't like! "So-and-so was raped" -- but maybe she was dressing provocatively! "The police shot him" -- but he must have had it coming, because we don't want to criticize policemen! "Veterans aren't getting enough funding" -- but people are getting handouts through SNAP and surely they must just be lazy and undeserving! I'm sure I've done it plenty, too. 

I want to stop, though. Stop reading those "But"s, stop liking them, maybe even if they kinda have a point. Because tragedies deserve respect, even if we can (unwisely) overlook them because they happened to someone different than us. I am so thankful that  9/11 happened pre-Facebook. We watched the news in shock together. We mourned together. There wasn't a place for "But...." I hope the response to Planned Parenthood's crimes against humanity becomes like that. And I hope that I'll be quiet around future tragedies, unless it's a word of sympathy to grieving or to help expose true injustice, not a matter of adding "but...."

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