

I just read a rather ridiculous article about selfies being linked to mental disorders. Mental disorders, because some people have become addicted to trying to get the perfect selfie. And therefore everyone who takes selfies is narcissistic and possibly disturbed. Blah blah blah. 

In fact, I find all my narcissism comes out in not wanting to take selfies. Sadly, i HAVE overanalyzed my face in many a selfie and once hated almost all photos of me. Thanks to the example of friends, particularly Kate and Deadra, I've rethought my take on selfies. There are selfies taken only to get attention, of course, but the fact is that most of our pictures are actually more interesting with us in them. Some people take excellent photos of nonliving things or nature that are beautiful in their own right. For many of us, though, I'm realizing that it makes pictures a lot more fun to look at later when they have people in the shot -- including ourselves. Someday we'll be looking at photos with our kids or grandkids and they will have little interest in yet another photo of the sunset or of a restaurant we liked on vacation or an empty beach. 

So. Here's to selfies -- whether we look good or not. Here are some I couldn't bring myself to share on instagram or facebook when I took them, but actually am glad I have...

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