
Shockingly productive

Yesterday (or was it the day before?) while Jason and the girls were in the backyard and Lincoln was sleeping, i got all wild and crazy and scrubbed out the kitchen sink. Well, one side of it anyway. But the rubber guard thing on the garbage disposal has been so so gross for a long time now, and I finally decided it was time to do something about that particular health hazard. First i scrubbed the sink down with salt and a dishwashing wand that had bristles, then scrubbed it with a bit of rubbing alcohol in the wand, and i feel like it was cleaned easily and without me having to go all the way downstairs for the bleach, which would just be too much. ;)

Anyway. It felt great to do something of an obviously productive nature, although wiping noses and butts and finding food and calming small children is probably far more productive than I realize. And now for a picture, because it might be another few months before it's this clean again...

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