

My baby is three weeks old today! And can sleep in three hour stretches and more surprisingly occasionally be awake that long. And he is eating more than three ounces per feeding, usually...

Anyway, he's precious. And just spit up all over me. 

Three weeks ago i was in the hospital giving birth, last week i had a d&c to remove some sneaky remaining placenta, and Monday i had an emergrncy d&c to remove excessive blood clots and you would probably not prefer details about it. But we're hoping maybe next week i can avoid hospitals and operating rooms and i might even be able to spend more time out of bed than in it!

Anyway, i realized in the ER as i managed to take the news of needing another d&c somewhat well, i would like to start handling lesser catastrophes better, too. The demands of three kids three and under can make me feel like crying faster than getting my second surgery in less than a week, and I feel braver now about getting yet another IV and anesthesia than I do about being home alone for long with said kids. But hopefully next week, as I have less help, I'll remember the same God who watches over me in the OR is delighting in helping me with kids who are also precious to him!

And related to all my medical fun lately, i really love nurses and doctors and, more humiliatingly, orderlies who clean up after half-spilled bedpans. I have consistantly gotten really good care from very competent and compassionate people. 


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