
The birthday cake

For my birthday, we made this orange cake with chocolate cardamon glaze.*

It was very good, although Jason thought a bit too cardamon-y. The smell alone was worth making it for -- honestly one of the best things I've ever smelled, and I wish a photo could capture that.

But we aren't really crazy make-it-from-scratch cooks all the time. For dinner that night we ordered gyros and waffle fries from a place by our apartment that delivers.

* Okay, so really 95% of people say cardamom and I should, too, but it just doesn't sound right. And according to the etymology at thefreedictionary.com (of course a prestigious source by the sound of it), maybe I can get away with it: [Middle English cardamome, from Old French cardemome, from Latin cardammum, from Greek kardammon : kardamon, cress+ ammon, an Indian spice.]
Sorry. I am a dork.


  1. Ha ha, why does cardamom not sound right? I've never heard it any other way!

    Do you remember the cardamom cake I made for Medieval Lit class? (This looks way better.)

  2. Well, for some reason I first heard it as cardamon - maybe one of my Indian cookbooks threw me off there. I don't remember that cake, but wish I did, because I'm sure it was fabulous! Our Medieval Lit feast...now there was a fun time. :) (Makes me want to read Marie de France or something.)
