
An album for the times

No surprise, I've been listening to u2 lately. Their "All That You Can't Leave Behind" album still has perfect, *perfect* song placement, which i have long admired about it. I'm realizing now how relevant it is fifteen years later, though. Last night while doing the dishes I was listening to the title song ("Walk On") and cried (again!) because it was so fitting: 

And love
Is not the easy thing
The only baggage
That you can bring
And love is not the easy thing
The only baggage you can bring
Is all that you can't leave behind

I've come to the conclusion that a song never gets in the "my favorite U2 song of all time or at least the moment" if it doesn't bring me to tears or aching longing. 

But wait, it doesn't stop there! We also have "Peace on Earth" ("the words are stickin' in my throat") and "When I Look at the World," and ending with "Grace": "she travels outside of karma...Grace makes beauty out of ugly things".

So go give it a listen. ;)

PS - one of my favorite things about U2 is how they write songs that make your heart break without giving you the detailed story. It's not that it's some explicit story, but they pull you in and you become part of the story and the emotions and sing with all your heart, "I remember / when we could sleep on stones / Now we lie together in whispers and groans / When I was all messed up and heard opera in my head / your love was a lightbulb hanging over my bed."

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