Everyone always says that routine is helpful and important, but what about when you stay in bed as long as possible (so, like 7:30...), even if it means one kid keeps elbowing you in the face as she watches the ipad and another sends crazy emoji-full texts to your mom because you gave her your phone to buy more time? I realize there are all sorts of "well, just try THIS" (or that) that i could be told and even that i try, but getting them fed and settling fights and so on when you have three really quite small people vying for attention makes my brain foggy.
However, i did finally get one "routine" thing going; and although i wish i could say it was something like reading piles of books every day or memorizing something, this is pretty satisfactory to all parties. I stocked up on goodies from Target's $1 section when they had a 70% off sale, and then opened all the packages so everything was an individual prize -- no two packs of Disney princess lip gloss for you kids, sorry -- and put it all in a basket. And then i made a chart for emptying the trash, and every time one of the girls empties a small trash can into the big kitchen trash (with all the diapers we go through, this is a constant need), she gets a mark on the chart. This has led to waaaaay more enthusiasm for picking up garbage than i had imagined I love it. They caught on quick, and now i never have to point out a full trash can.
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