
So while i'm waiting...

I'm burned out on cleaning (and even cleaning the wash machine did not induce labor...), so now I've moved on to crafts. Which is something I almost never do. But today I went a little crazy and made a gift for someone AND made myself some canvas art for super cheap. The hardest part, actually, was browsing for the right picture on google images while catching up on Grimm.

 Once I got on the cyanotype idea, though, it was pretty easy to find something beautiful to print. I am maybe a little obsessed with it now and someday might even try a DIY...in like 2018. 

Anyway, all you need for this extremely easy project is a) a very very cheap 8x10 or other small canvas from Hobby Lobby ("Hoggy Loggy," as Kaylen calls it) and b) some Modge Podge from the $1 section of Target or just elmer's glue probably and c) your printed artwork from a regular printer. And then you Modge Podge the canvas, stick on the artwork, and Modge Podge a top layer or two. Glittler optional. 

I think it would also be cool to do with a photo, but couldn't figure out how to print any iphone photos in the right size. Let me know if you know an easy trick for that! :)

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