
The Long Road Trip

On Thursday afternoon we left Norfolk; on Monday night we got to Billings. I don't want to get in the car for more than 15 minutes again for a long time now. :)  But it was worth it, since we got to see family along the way, including three very cute nieces and an adorable nephew.

What it looked like through most of Virginia and North Carolina. There were severe storm warnings when we left Norfolk on Thursday and left Greensboro on Friday morning.

From Asheville on was pretty nice. I liked Tennessee quite a bit, actually.

Great Smokies
(did not like the speed limits)

Abby loved rest stops and hated the car. She panted. The. Entire. Way.

Crossing the Mississippi at sunset.
We drove to Little Rock the second night.

I liked Arkansas, too.

After a fun stay at Jennie's, we drove through the rest of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. I think this was Nebraska. It was a bit prettier than the other states we passed through that day - i liked the yellow flowers on the side of the road.

After another good time at Amy's, we started the last day of driving - 13 hours from Omaha to Billings. Iowa had gotten some rain recently...

South Dakota. Passed lots of places that looked like it would be fun to stop at, but we didn't have time. Maybe in a year or two when I'm ready to go on another road trip, we'll go back. 

Billings in the horizon at last!

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